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Remote Learning

This page contains information about remote learning for all students. 

How students can access remote learning

  • We will be using Zoom and Google Classroom to provide remote learning.
  • Students should follow their normal Darul Uloom timetable when undertaking remote learning.

How will my child be taught remotely?

Remote learning will be set by your child’s usual teacher. Teachers have been encouraged to ensure where possible some of each lesson is direct teacher input (live stream, video or voiced power-point) with an accompanying task to do for the remainder of the time.

Work set will be a variety of assignments and tasks in line with the usual planned curriculum.

We use a combination of the following approaches to teach students remotely:

  • Live teaching via Zoom (but this may not be appropriate for all lessons).
  • Video lessons (made by the teacher or an on-line provider).
  • Power-point or voiced-over Power-Point made by teachers, or commercially produced.
  • Subject specific on-line learning platforms like Sam Learning, MathsWatch, etc including video clips and tasks.

What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?

  • Pupils should log on to Zoom or Google Classroom every day at the school start time and then follow the instructions for each lesson on their timetable that day.
  • Parents should try to support their child by providing a calm workspace and encouraging good routines for learning that mirror the normal Darul Uloom day.
  • Pupils should submit their work as per the teacher instructions – this should be at least once per week but could be more often depending on the frequency of the lesson. Work will predominantly be requested via the assignment on Google Classroom. Work completed on paper can be photographed and uploaded.

How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?

  • Teachers will direct students to submit/hand in completed work at least once a week, but possibly more often. This may take the form of an assignment on Google Classroom, an online quiz to check the week’s learning, an image of work completed on paper, work submitted via a commercially available subject specific platform (often providing automatic immediate feedback) or participation in a live Zoom lesson.
  • Teachers can also check student engagement with Google Classroom assignments as they can see whether it has been viewed, and when work has been handed in.
  • Teachers will complete a register for each lesson to identify attendance to either the live lesson or pupil viewing the assignment.
  • Darul Uloom will send a notification via parenthub to parents/carers where registers indicate students have not logged on during that day/lesson.
  • Where engagement is a concern the year team will notify parents. Barriers will be identified, and plans put in place to overcome them, whether they be motivational, pastoral, cognitive or technology based. Appropriate school staff will be deployed to support the student and the family to re-engage the student as soon as possible.


Assalamu 'alaykum

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