A Year 11 Point of View

This year has felt much stranger than all my previous years at Darul Uloom. As a class, we faced the
challenge of learning remotely for a large period of the year due to the lockdown. Over the course of the
remote learning, it quickly became apparent that learning remotely was just not the same as learning
in Darul Uloom. I found that learning from home had become extremely difficult as there were many more distractions. I had missed being in the Darul Uloom environment with my fellow classmates and
respected teachers. All the asātidha continued to motivate us and continue to make sure that we were
on the right track. Since returning to Darul Uloom, all staff have continued to support and encourage us
regarding our GCSE’s. They have provided us with lots of useful resources to make sure we get the
grades we were hoping for.

The lockdown felt very different as I had never had the experience of being in a school lesson on my computer. I was so used to the classroom environment and though I tried my best to create that environment at home, it just wasn’t the same. It felt strange to be listening to the teacher whilst sitting in my living room and looking at the screen. Lessons didn’t feel the same although as a class, we tried our best to participate in the lesson so that the lessons could become a bit livelier. Towards the end of the lockdown most students, if not all, were happy to be coming back to Darul Uloom to meet with their classmates and their teachers to study in the classroom environment.

The past five years of my stay in Darul Uloom have been the most influential in my life. I have learned
so much, not just in terms of secular education, but I have also learned how to become a good Muslim by
listening to the beneficial talks of my teachers and picking up the good habits that they encourage me
to do on a daily basis. InshāAllah, I hope to continue listening to their guidance and carry on my journey
to gaining knowledge.

by Muhammad Mustak Raidhan, Year 11

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"The best amongst you is the one who learns the Qur'an and teaches it."
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